Many people are alive but don’t touch the miracle of being alive.

Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese-born Buddhist monk, writer and peace activist

 Susan Sokol Blosser recently wrote a short pamphlet on aging called 7 Lesson at 70. Notes from the Frontline.  An articulate, bright-minded, and insightful woman, Susan shares her personal vision of how those of us of a “certain age” can realistically take hold of the aging process and give it our own 21st century twist.

Here is a passage I found particularly meaningful as I transition into my life’s new post-business-career chapter: 

 “The second challenge of aging has been described as ‘Recapturing Joy.’ To me this means reconnecting to the wonderment of life one felt as a child—delighting in the beauty of a bud opening into a flower, marveling at the miracle of a tiny seed becoming a plant, felling pleasure in the soothing sound of a cat purring, stopping to wonder at the otherworldliness of a cloud formation—you get the picture.  It means intentionally looking for joy in your life, especially in little things.”

 Susan’s book is available on-line at Amazon for $9.99. It is a book you might want to keep on your bedside table as it merits rereading and remembering some of its helpful hints.
